
Every two years, hundreds of elected leaders in our union gather for General Council, our Union's “legislative body.”每两年,我们工会中数百名当选领导人聚集到总理事会,这是我们联盟的“立法机构”。 At General Council, the delegates you elect in union elections will debate and vote on resolutions that chart our course for the next two years.在总理事会上,您在工会选举中选出的代表将辩论并投票通过决议,这些决议将确定我们未来两年的发展方向。 Usually, we gather together at a convention center and spend a long weekend as a group, but with social distancing still in effect, we have taken an innovative approach to doing this remotely through video conferencing.通常,我们在会议中心聚集在一起,度过一个漫长的周末,但是由于仍然与社会保持距离,我们采取了一种创新的方法来通过视频会议远程进行此操作。


  1. 更新我们的管理文件以帮助完成我们的工作 五年计划.
  2. 通过提高所有工人的标准,同时挖掘会员的代表权和保护来更新我们的双重焦点增长和代表权。
  3. 改善我们的成员沟通和成员领导力发展。
  4. 加强我们对种族正义的承诺。
  5. 我们越来越关注绿色经济工作和气候正义。 

General Council will be taking place over the next two weeks.总理事会将在未来两周内举行。 We will update members when their delegates have completed the work you elected them to do.当其代表完成您当选的工作时,我们将更新成员。 

It is only through our commitment to raising the voice of workers across Oregon that we are able to stay the strong voice we have for working people.只有我们致力于提高俄勒冈州工人的声音,我们才能保持对工人的强烈声音。 General Council is one of these opportunities to set the course for our union and our workplaces, and this is often where a member's journey into union leadership begins.总理事会是为我们的工会和工作场所设定路线的众多机会之一,而这通常是成员进入工会领导权之旅的起点。